
Gintautas Dabrišius (b. 1950) graduated from the Kaunas Gardening College in 1969. He worked at the Academy of Agriculture and as a teacher in the towns of Viešvilė and Vilkija. His poetry (poetry collections Vienplaukis prie plento 1982, Klevo obuoliai 1986, Baltasis slaptažodis 1990, Sunkiai kylanti antis 1998, Sviest akmenuką 2005, Ilga žuvis 2007, Joju vienas 2011, Ievų daina, Upė Jekaterinai, abu 2013, Baltas iš manęs 2019) is characterized by attention to detail, elements of folklore, a spoken language style, a rustic worldview, and the themes of urban and regional life. Dabrišius is a laureate of the Poetry Spring festival (2006).

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reflections on belonging

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Graphic Novels

Poem from the poetry book "White from Me"


translated by Rimas Uzgiris
video by Jevgenij Tichonov
organized by Saulius Vasiliauskas

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