Mindaugas Nastaravičius
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- Poetry
Someday they’ll understand why we locked ourselves in the bathroom.
Even now they aren’t sure if I’m in there writing, or you’re dictating.

A World to Stay In
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- Reviews
Agnė Žagrakalytė, Liekamieji reiškiniai (Long-term Side Effects)
By Virginija Cibarauskė

Paris in Lithuanian literature
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- Articles
By Vytautas Bikulčius
In general, Paris is described with many epithets, for example, the city of light, love, fashion, and perfume. Lithuanian writers, however, have taken a more grounded and universal approach in their work.

Judita Vaičiūnaitė
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- Archive
I returned to this city in fog. I returned to the damp
muted gleam of its spires. To its warm, redeeming rains.